Август. Скошен луг.
Уж сено сложено в стога,
Вдалеке пылит дорога,
За кустами плещется река.
Зной уже отходит,
Прохладой веет от воды,
По небу ветер тучки гонит
Смиряют краски зеленые сады.
August. The meadow is mown.
Hay is combined in stacks,
In the distance the road raises dust,
Behind bushes the river laps.
Heat already departs,
As cool blows from water,
On the sky the wind of a tuchka drives
Restrain paints green gardens.
18.06.2012 gmishaooo
Август. Скошен луг.
Уж сено сложено в стога,
Вдалеке пылит дорога,
За кустами плещется река.
Зной уже отходит,
Прохладой веет от воды,
По небу ветер тучки гонит
Смиряют краски зеленые сады.
August. The meadow is mown.
Hay is combined in stacks,
In the distance the road raises dust,
Behind bushes the river laps.
Heat already departs,
As cool blows from water,
On the sky the wind of a tuchka drives
Restrain paints green gardens.
18.06.2012 gmishaooo
Today is summer's day !
ОтветитьУдалитьWe havo to enjoy these monthes : july and august, sun, flowers, sea and warm hours.
I hope you'll have a good summer, and nice holidays ! Maybe a travel for you ?
Thanks. You too with warm summer! At us now too, the end of June and July happen warm. August of night already cool. So it is necessary to get warm a half winter. Travel it is good. Kitchen garden. Landings. Vegetables for the winter. In shops all Chinese chemistry. Repair to work the parental house while warmly. Incomplete projects. It seems how to get out.