суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.

Blue evening.

Evening is blue.

Разлилась синь по небу,
 Лишь где то вдалеке ,
Кусочек розовый закатом
Немного светит мне.
The blue on the sky spread,
 Only where that in the distance,
Slice pink decline
Shines me a little.

6 комментариев:

  1. Evening is blue as life may be it, sometimes.
    Beautiful photograph, thanks.

  2. And to you thanks for visit. Certainly too it would be desirable that the good moments in life were more often.

  3. Wow ! You have a blog. Great to know ! Great to discover !
    You take pictures. Poetical pictures. And you marry them with poetry. Your own poetry. These words you lay in that beautiful and personnal way that look likes a song also.
    I like your words and wait for them at AMBre's.
    Beautiful picture there. Dressed in blue. Quiet, peaceful with this feeling of wilderness.

    1. Thank you for good words and the comment. It is impossible to write as it would be desirable. That that I have it is necessary to edit still. The nature at us good, and isn't enough thoughts. To you good mood.

  4. I saw your pictures on AMBre's blog. Your blog is very nice : I like your pictures and your words ! Best regards.

    1. Thanks BOD of a word and to become the participant. I will try to make the intereny. To you successes.
